Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yesterday shane and I did a ton of walking...we walked all around the city center of berlin and checked out a few cool spots.  We went to where the Nazi's burned all the books in WWII and to hitlers bunker which is now a memorial to all of the Jews who where killed in WWII.  They actually built the memorial on top of where Hitler's bunker.  

For lunch yesterday we met up with Beth 2.0 and had currywurst and fries...sooooo good!  After lunch we walked around a bit more and saw a few other cool parks and such and some really cool churches and architecture around berlin.  Later that night shane took me to a berlin performance by the group Gob Squad which is a berlin/london group.  Theatre here is very different and it was a very good performance!  After the Performance we went to try to get into Horrors show which was 19 euro or about 30 bucks so we passed on that and decided to go grab some beers ...the first bar we went to was a cool spot but it was filled with smoke!!  the other bar we went to a stammkneipe or dive bar and played kicker with some old drunk german guys which was actually a lot of fun...

now on to today...Shane and I got up and went to a graffiti museum in kreuzberg and walked around a bit more...lots and lots of walking...note to self, "start running again"  We went to some cool parks through the area and got lunch at a really good pizza place.  Shane said that this pizza place which was a total hole in the wall was reviewed in the NY Times as a suggested place to eat when in Berlin.  Super good.  

After a while Shane had to head back home to do some work and ventured off on my own and went to Checkpoint Charlie.  It was a cool but very haphazard and casual museum.  Lots of really cool stores about the berlin wall and lots of history.  The one thing I did not see was any pictures of the HOFF...I am pretty sure he still thinks he is the reason why the wall fell! Anywho, i managed not to get lost and made it back to shane's place right around sundown which is about 4:30-5ish. 

Shane was still working so i decided to take a quick nap as we had another late night ahead of us.  For dinner tonight shane cooked up some maultaschen which is like a german ravioli stuffed with well, i dont really know but it was really rich and good.  I figured I would try to stick to german food while im here with one exception:  We have seen signs for this horrible looking burger from burger king where there is a piece of grilled cheese that is thicker than the burger and covered in grilled onions.  Shane wants to eat it but I am not sure I can do it...we will see what happens.

Tonight I played an few acoustic songs at L.U.X. in Kreuzberg.  The night was a very eclectic mix of artists and some where amazing!  There was a choir singing with a guy on guitar and another on a steel drum which was odd but cool... Another group had a girl on tambourine a guy on guitar and singing and another dancing...WOW is all I have on that one...the most amazing was this girl from  Philadelphia  who played some songs on a harp and sang along it was really soooo good!  She did have two songs about throwing up thought.

So on to my set.  It went well and there where maybe 80 people or so at the bar.  The totally random part was I met one of beth's friends who came to check out the night and she told me he is an amazing piano player and could jam along if I wanted so I asked and luke played with me on stage without knowing the chords structure or songs at all.  He was really good and added some body to the songs... they where no analogue synths but still good!  

So now its 2:30 am and I am off to bed.  Tomorrow Shane is off to the archives and I am off to check out 2 more museums and maybe the aquarium if its not too long of a day.  I think later in the day shane and I are going to try to go up in this Huge glass dome which should have a great view of Berlin.  I am having tons of fun and I still have just under 3 weeks left to go and 3-4 more countries!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Go to the Stasi Museum. It's pretty cool. They finally have a website too ( since it was a pain in the ass to find when I went five years ago.

  3. BTW: If or When you know about what time you will be arriving in frankfurt let me know- I will meet you at the train station. I know it is early days yet, but once you know- just shoot me an email.... I have a few ideas of some things you might want to see- and of course, you can't be in Hessen, without trying the damn grün sauce (it really isn't that good, but you have to try it) along with the apple wine...which is pretty good! talk to you soon,
