Tuesday, November 10, 2009

so I made it to berlin after about 16 hours of traveling and being awake for about 30 hours straight.  I did not want to sleep on the flight over to avoid jet lag since I left the states around 9pm and arrived in berlin around 8:30pm.  First off flying international on a non-US airline is very different than lets say...southwest, jetblue or united...  The service was great!  i.e. Hot towells to wash up before dinner, free beers and a personal movie screen where I watched 3 movies and 2 discovery channel documentaries.  

Lets just say that me and sitting for 11 hours straight doesnt really fly so, after about 5 hours of flying I had to get up and move around to avoid going crazy.  Fortunately Lufthansa had a lower deck where the restrooms where located that had enough space to stand and streatch out my legs for a while...Most of the flight was sleeping at this point but as I said earlier my goal was to stay awake and while hanging out I met a German fellow named Urich (no idea how to spell it).  He was coming back form some film convention stuff in santa monica and we started talking about his trip to the states and all of the experiences he has had there.  We talked a bit about global politics and how he said most of the world threw parties on the day that bush left office and "McSame as bush" and the Devil herself where not elected!

My flight from LAX was straight to Munich where I had a layover for about 2 hours...Again I was trying to avoid sleep and lucky me and again with the european hospitality they had free coffee machines and newspapers, although they where in german. 

On my flight to Berlin from munich I met an guy by the name of Ross (I think) and we talked about about music and dark bands and Krautrock and I gave him a Northern Labour Party CD and told him that I will be playing an acoustic set on wednesday night at L.U.X. in Berlin.  After the flight while waiting for shane to decipher my location at the airport and come find me some girl that I was actually sitting in the same row as me on the first flight approached me and said..."okay so what is your deal I have seen you since california"  now i know what everyone is thinking but she was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up so get your mind off that track as it is still early in my trip.  But turns out she works for MTV Germany and was in LA to interview some bands and she had a "sneaking suspicion" I was in a band....again with the global northern labour party shameless plugs I gave her a CD and told her about our music video on youtube and my acoustic set for weds night.

Shane and I finally found each other and hopped on a bus and train to get to his apt in berlin.  After a beer and some haribo gunny bears and a kebab (only 2.90 euros and really good) we took off to the site of the party to celebrate 20 years since the berlin wall fell.  Unfortunately, we got there after all the party was done but still saw the a bit of the city and will head back over during the day to check out some of the sites. 

Well, I guess staying awake worked as I slept for 10 hours and now feel like I wont have jetlag....  Now im off to take a quick shower and go exploring with Shane...he says we have a long but good day ahead of us..


1 comment:

  1. Yes, "shameless" plugs for your band- Not a bad start- Keep in mind, you can always use the line when you are back in California, "well, really big in Europe"
