Monday, November 16, 2009


So last night shane and I made it to amsterdam after a 6-7 hour train ride. First lets talk abou this train ride. I guess shane I where lucky enough to sit in the same car as all the crazy people. We had a group of about 7 ladies in their 40-50s who where all wasted and singing and chanting...yes all types of weird chants. Once they turned on a radio then another lady on the train told them they needed to turn it off and quiet down...yeah that did nothing. they where semi entertaining for about 5 min or so...then after they got off a group of 3 people in their 20's got on who where for sure super high and they sat right next to us in an almost empty train and where very loud and would fart then laugh really hard for about 5 min...needless to say we had an interesting ride over.

Once we got to Amsterdam we went straight to our hostle....Our hostle is very close to the station and the downtown area. Amsterdam is actually a very beautiful city. From the cannals almost every other street to the cobblestone streets and cool looking buildings it is very cool. Also, the streets are very clean and everyone seems to be very laid back...i guess when everyone is stoned thats how it works...haha.

So, after checking into our hostle we met a guy named John who is an austrailian that had been working in london and we invited him out to grab a bite and walk around. After getting a quick bite to eat we decided to wander around the city. This place is seriouly like a different planet. It seems like all of the social norms that I have grown up with in the united states have been flipped upside down...well rather thrown out and replaced with totaly craziness...

First off almost every was walking down the street smoking a joint. Kinda blows your mind when you see somone smoking a joint right next to a police officer..haha. There are "coffee shops" on amost every corner that are basically just pot shops. They have menus of all the different kinds of pot you can get and how high it will get you... from space cakes to cookies and muffins to joints or loose weed that you can roll yourself or put in a pipe...totally weird. We stopped by the coffee shop that was in oceans 12 and checked it out...very small but cool and everyone was kicked back.

Next we took a walk into the red light this area is just weird. You walk down an narrow street that is just packed with people fighting to get a look at the girls in the windows...I was told before hand that the girls where very pretty and very forward but I guess I wasnt ready for it. Some of the girls are seriusly some of the most beautiful looking women I have ever seen but then it hits you...this is just nasty. I watched the girl open the curtain and a man walk out the door and then instantly had another guy walk in...Just nuts! Its just hard to wrap my head around that concept. haha... There are seriously hundreds of girls on the street behind a thin piece of glass with a bed in a little room...when the curtain is closed someone is in there...when its open the girls dance, wink and motion for you to come in...its just a totally weird concept but it seems like many people take part and they must make lots of each their own...Oh, and to my grandpa who told me to "stay away from those whores" you do not have to worry there is no way I would touch them with a 10 foot pole.

Other totally odd things that they have here are live sex show...i guess you can pay like 25 euro and in a theatre setting watch 2 people put on a show then ultimately have sex in front of everyone...Like I said before this place is seriously like being on another planet! Its strange, the city is sooo beautiful but so dirty at the same time..

Well, shane and I got up this morning and went to get some breakfast at a small little cafe around the corner from our hostle and shane went off the an archive here in amsterdam to do some research...I Respect shane's dedication to his studies and education...He seriously loves what he does and it is inspiring. Right now I'm at the hostle using their computer and I have 3 min left before my time runs now off to Ann Frank's house...Hope everyone is doing well...

p.s. I'm still a bit under the weather but feeling better...I can actually go outside now :)


  1. I am glad that you are feeling better! Your take on the red light district is pretty much the same as mine was (7 years ago) though, I think I might have seen it in more dire terms: kinda got the feeling, I was going though a grocery store) I thought about writing something before, but thought maybe you should come to your own conclusions on that one: As for Ann Frank's attic, I know it is too late now, but, I would have said don't bother- The museum is kinda cool at the bottom, but something just seems wrong about making it such a tourist-y kinda place. I am not sure how many days you will be there, but if the weather gets better, I would recommend getting a Bike and touring the whole city... (there is a funny story about the dutch, that every time they see a German tourist, they demand their bikes back, 'cause towards the end og ww2 the fleeing Nazi's took every bike in the Netherlands to get back to Germany. Anyway, Hope you're having fun!

  2. fun fact: The annual percentage of people older than 15 who smoke pot in the Netherlands is 4.1%, one of the lowest averages in the world.

    good fact to counter those opposed to legalizing it in the states.

  3. Scotty, sounds like you're having so much fun! I'd love to do what you're doing. Maybe when the kids get a bit older and I can actually leave them for a week or 2. I didn't realize you had already started your trek. Saw your mom last week and she told me. Hopefully we'll see you at Christmas and hear more about your trip and see some amazing pics!

  4. The sex trade is one of the oldest professions in the world.

    Fun Fact: You are probably more likely to get an STD from a random partner rather than in Amsterdam.

    I have absolutely zero proof but I know it's extremely regulated and they are tested weekly (I think ...) which is probably 10x more than the average person.

  5. Actually testing for STDs is not required in the red light district. However it's free to get tested, so generally they do it on their own. More importantly they all use condoms.

    This is a moot point anyways, seeing as Scott will have no risk of infection.

  6. Great update! Now you need to get COMPLETELY well!!

  7. Hmmm, I'm almost positive that STD tests are required since the girls are employed by the govt. Could be wrong though, and definitley too lazy to look it up.
