Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Switzerland to Frankfurt main

My second day in switzerland was very cool. Man oh man did I love being in the countryside there as it is sooooo crazy beautiful!! Fabienne was a great tour guide and went everywhere with me. The second day (sunday the 22 i think) we took a trip to Einsiedeln ...i think thats the name to go see a monastery. First off, the drive there was again amazing and the green hills where so cool to me. We just dont have countryside like that in southern california hahha. Anywho, once we got to the monastery we first went to this fountain that was outside on the street. Before we left Fabienne read that you are suppose to drink from the fountain for good health and luck. So, naturally we each gave it a shot...I still have my cough though so maybe I didnt drink enough :)

Once we got inside the church I was floored. The detail and gold trim on everything was just nuts. I was a tad bit bummed as they did not allow people to take pictures inside the church but it was soo cool I snuck a few pictures from my coat pocket but they turned out a tad bit blurry or with my finger in the frame....oh well, I got at least one or 2 that show how cool the inside of the church was.

After we walked around the grounds of the monastery and hung out with a few horses that where kept out back and such. After the monastery we decided to make our way over to rapperswil....this is where true hip hop lives...I mean shoot, "rappersville" is where the true players peak right?... okay, maybe not but they did have a little castle which was cool and it was right on the lake. The castle was small but still cool and I enjoyed walking around and checking out the lake and the old homes in the town.

Later that night Fabienne had to go to work from 7-11 so, as wattwil doesnt have much going on in terms of a "night life" I just hung out and watched a movie at her flat. Fabienne was a great host...I mean she took the time to drive my butt around the countryside that Im sure to her is beautiful but she sees it every day. A big thanks to her for putting me up for a few nights.

On monday I hopped on the train in wattwil and made my way back to zurich where I was to catch a high speed train to Frankfurt to visit my cousin JR. JR came to meet me at the station in Frankfurt which was very nice as I would have most likely got lost trying to find his place as it is just outside the main city.

After meeting up we decided to go grab a few beers at an Irish pub in frankfurt just outside the train station. This was a total blast as I have not seen JR in prob 15 years if not more. We talked a bit about family and more about music and my trip and the differences between the U.S. and Europe. I had a great time just haning out and being able to reconnect with family while over on this side of the pond is awesome. Thanks to facebook for this one :)

After grabbing a few beers we hopped on a the metro and a short bust ride to make our way over to his place. His kids had just gone to bed and so I have yet to meet them but hope to meet them tonight. I did meet his wife who was very nice but didnt get to spend too much time with her as she had a neighborhood meeting to attend. JR and I ordered some food and just hung out talking for the night. Good times and good convo. Well, today I am going to head into Frankfurt for a little bit and check out the city. Tomorrow I leave for berlin where I will meet up with the Boyles then we are goign to make our way over to prague for a few nights.

So far my trip has been just sooo awesome!! I love it and have not been anywhere that I did not like. I am bummed I am over half way done with my trip but excited I still have a lot more to do!!

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