Thursday, December 3, 2009

back to the grind

After pulling an all nighter last night on the flight I arrived to LAX around 7pm california time. We had some issues with the landing gear which was a bit scary...we where actually about to land and they pulled back up and we had to circle around for 10 min while they tried to fix it. Then when we made our second attempt to land there was all of the fire trucks and paramedics next to our runway... I guess our front wheels where not able to turn right and left....we landed alright after a few pumps and such.

I was able to get to sleep around 10:30 and now Im at work today...currently I feel okay but I have a feeling that this afternoon might be a bit rough. I guess we will see.

This trip was a trip of a lifetime and something I will remember forever. Sad its over but i did take about 1,000 pictures that I have to go through and clean up a bit. Well, I have tons of work to do now so I should get back to the grind...

1 comment:

  1. wow, can't believe you're's been great reading your blog entries. I'm excited to see all your amazing pics...maybe christmas!?! looking forward to hearing a bit more about your trip. hope to see you soon!
